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Sales Capacity Template

Model Sales Rep performance.

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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

What is it?

Use the Sales Capacity template to project expected ARR based on your sales team’s quota, ramp, and attainment.

Creating a Sales Capacity Template

  • Under a Workbook

  • Click the "+" button to open the Create dropdown

  • Select Sales Capacity Template

How is monthly Sales Rep performance forecasted?

The monthly values for a sales rep Line Item will be the monthly quota for the sales reps. Values are calculated from the Quota divided by 12 and multiplied by the Attainment Confidence %. If there is a ramp for the employee, that takes precedence, and it will also be multiplied by the Attainment Confidence %.

Output Sales Rep Template Metrics

Quota Capacity

The total monthly quota of all sales reps for the month.

Average Attainment The Quota Capacity divided by the total quota divided by 12 for all sales reps.

Total Expected ARR The Quota Capacity multiplied by 12.

Total Sales Reps

The total count of sales reps with a Start Date before or on the month.

Total Ramping Sales Reps

The count of sales reps with a Start Date before or on the month that have a ramp.

Total Fully Ramped Sales Reps

The count of sales reps' Start Date before or on the month that are no longer on ramp (100%).

Sales Capacity Template Dimensions


Name of the sales rep.

Start Date

The start date of the sales rep.

End Date

The end date of the sales rep.


The total expected quota for the sales rep for the year.


The % or $ ramp per month for the sales rep. You can configure the percentages per month for the ramp, or the exact dollar per month until the rep gets to 100% ramp.

Attainment Confidence

The % confidence of reaching the full monthly quota for the sales rep. The monthly value (including rep on ramp) gets multiplied by the Attainment Confidence % to get the final monthly value shown.

Integrations Available

Sync any connected CRM integration.

Supported Data Fields

  • Name

  • Start Date

💡 Basis has a one-way sync with your CRM. Changes made to your Sales Rep and and Quota capacity in Basis, remain in Basis. We never publish any changes back to your CRM.

Enhancing Your Sales Capacity Template with Add-ons

Custom Dimensions


Used to categorize sales reps by the product they are selling.


Used to categorize sales reps by their manager.


The Sales Capacity planner is not ideal for very granular seasonal sales cycles. To do that, instead break up your sales capacity template into 3 separate Blocks (one for quota, one for seasonality, and one for attainment) and create a formula multiplying the outputs.

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