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Employees Template

Plan and manage employee compensation.

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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

What is it?

Use the employee template to help plan and manage your employee salary expenses.

Creating an Employee Template

  • Under a Workbook

  • Click the "+" button to open the Create dropdown

  • Select Employee Template

How is monthly Employee compensation calculated?

Values are calculated from the Annual Pay / 12 and then prorated for the month if the employee starts or ends their employment on that month. Pay raises and bonuses are taken into consideration if set for employee line items.

Output Employee Metrics


The count of active employees for the month. Active employees are any employees whose start date is on or before the month and does not have an end date before or on the month.


The count of employees whose end date is within the previous month.

Bonus Amount

The monthly accrued annual bonus amount. It is the sum of all employees' Annual Salary multiplied by their Bonus % and divided by 12 to get the monthly value.

Employee Template Dimensions


Name of the employee. Not used in calculations.


Role of the employee. Not used in calculations but can be used for grouping and filters.

Start Date

First day of employment for the employee. Determines when the monthly salary starts. If the employee starts on a day past the 1st of the month, the monthly salary is prorated.

End Date

Last day of employment for the employee. Determines when the monthly salary ends. The last day of employment is not used to calculate the monthly salary.

Annual Pay

Gross yearly income for the employee. Used to calculate monthly salary and future pay raises.


Full-time, part-time, or blank. Not used in calculations but can be used for grouping and filters.

Pay Raise Month

The month as a number when this employee will get a raise (1 = January, 2 = February, and so on). The pay raise will go into effect if it's at least one month in the future. Used in conjunction with Pay raise % to determine when and how much salary will increase for the employee.

Pay raise %

The % increase on the annual pay for Pay raises. Monthly pay will then be used to calculate the monthly values for the employee when the Pay Raise Month occurs.

Bonus %

Annual bonus based on a % of Annual Pay. Bonuses do not get included in the monthly salary values and instead are added to the Bonus Amount metric.

Integrations Available

Sync any connected Payroll integration.

Common Add-ons

Custom Metrics

Total Salary

Calculates the total monthly payroll per month of all employees inside the workbook

sum of [employee template name]

New Employees

Calculates the number of new employees for a month

Headcount(month) - Headcount(month-1)

Total Salary by Department

Calculates the total monthly payroll per month of all employees of a certain department inside the workbook. Requires the Department dimension to be created

sum of [employee template name] where Department is [department name]

Custom Dimensions


Used to categorize employees into different departments

Custom Assumptions


Set a cost % of salary to calculate monthly costs for benefits

Equipment Cost

Set a fixed cost per employee to calculate equipment costs for each new employee


How do I set Employees with Bi-weekly pay schedules?

This template does not currently support a biweekly pay schedule so monthly values will not accurately match companies utilizing that pay period.

Can I also add contractors to the Employees Template?

This template filters pulling in contractors so those individuals will need to be manually created and maintained if you wish for them to be consolidated into a single template. We consider it a best practice to instead manage hourly contractors using the Hourly Template.

Can I manually input actuals for Employees?

Unfortunately, this template does not support manually setting actuals for monthly values for manually created employees. This means that for manually created employees not synced to an integration it will cause the past month's values to not match with the Chart of Accounts for payroll and need to be manually reconciled in a companion Block or within the COA forecast.

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