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Customizing How Blocks and Line Items are Displayed
Customizing How Blocks and Line Items are Displayed

How to configure how line items are displayed in tables.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Overview: Versatile Configuration and Formatting

In Basis, both Blocks and Line Items offer a variety of configuration and formatting options. These adjustments can significantly impact how they are displayed in reports, affecting both Summary columns and the color coding in Analysis columns.

Accessing a Block's Configuration Options

You can set defaults for newly created Line Items by configuring an entire Block.

How to Access:

  1. Click the Gear icon in the Header bar.

  2. A modal will open, presenting multiple options for Block-level configuration.

Configuring Individual Line Items

For more granular control, you can configure each Line Item separately, which can override Block-level settings:

Steps for Configuration:

  1. Hover over the Line Item you wish to edit.

  2. Click the "..." button and select 'Edit'.

  3. A modal will appear with various configuration options.

Configurable Options

Here are some of the key settings you can adjust:

  • Name: Set the name for the Block or Line Item.

  • Format Type: Choose how numbers are displayed. Options include Currency, Number, or Percentage.

  • Display high positive variance in: Decide the color for variance when Projections exceed Actuals. Common practice is to use Green for Revenues and Red for Expenses.

  • Period Value Type: This determines how aggregates of months are treated in Summary columns. Options include Sum of Period, Start of Period, End of Period, Average of Period, and Period to Date.

Important Considerations

Special Note on Percentage Format: When using 'Percentage' as the Format Type, be cautious with 'Sum of Period', 'Average of Period', and 'Period to Date'. These can result in crude values as the system may not correctly apply the denominator (weight) for each month in the Period. For percentage values in Summary columns, consider using a Numeric type with hard-coded values.

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